At The Customs House we believe that everyone has the right to access quality entertainment. We offer a range of services and discounts to make our events more accessible, and we will make reasonable adjustments wherever possible to ensure an enjoyable experience for all.
Please browse below for information on the Access services we offer, all our upcoming assisted performances, including Captioned, BSL Interpreted, Audio Described and Relaxed Performances.
Assisted Performances
Details of our upcoming Audio Described, British Sign Language Interpreted, Captioned and Relaxed Performances.
Accessible Booking Information
Details of how to book Access tickets, and how to use Access Card or CEA Card to book accessible seats online, and register for Essential Companion tickets.
Services for blind and partially sighted people
Information on our Visual Impairment services including provision for assistance dogs, audio description
Services for D/deaf and hard of hearing people
Information on D/deaf or Hard of Hearing services including hearing assistance systems and BSL interpretation.
Venue Access Information
Specific, detailed accessibility information including facilities and recommended seats.
If you would like to speak to a member of staff regarding your accessibility needs, please call our Box Office on 0191 454 1234. Lines are open 10am to 3pm, Tuesday to Sunday. Or you can email use using the button below.
Email Us